Docent Application

NBMAA Docent Application

Please Provide Two Professional References:

List advanced degrees, certificates, or training you have completed.
School/OrganizationDescribe the degree, certificate, or trainingDate of Completion 
List your most recent and/or most significant employment.
OrganizationDates of AffiliationPosition/Brief Description 
Please describe any additional relevant experience. This may include current or previous employment, professional projects, volunteer work, public speaking, sales, working with children's and/or adult groups, educational and teaching experiences, or other endeavors related to art.
I certify that all statements made by me on this application are true and complete to the best of my knowledge and that I have withheld nothing that would, if disclosed, affect this application unfavorably. In the event I am selected as a docent candidate at the New Britain Museum of American Art, I am willing to receive a criminal background check and will comply with all policies and practices established by the program and the Museum.